Hi Ian!

I would like to join 11st 2017.

Kind regards,
Ilya Alekseyev.

2017-05-04 2:00 GMT+03:00 Ian Y. Choi <ianyrchoi@gmail.com>:
Hello all,

I18n team is having our next meeting on May 4th 2017 (Thursday)
at 07:00 UTC in #openstack-meeting IRC channel.

Please refer to what I am suggesting for meeting agenda at
: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting
and previous meeting logs are available at
: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18N/MeetingLogs .

Anyone is welcome to add topics on Wiki

For next week IRC meeting (May 11st 2017 13:00 UTC),
It conflicts with Boston Summit schedule, however, I would like to lead the next IRC meeting
if there is remote attendee. Please reply from this message if you would like to attend to
the IRC meeting on May 11st. If there are no replies, then I would like to skip the IRC meeting
on May 11st 2017.

FYI: Please also see the timezone at
: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2017&month=5&day=11&hour=13&min=0&sec=0&p1=43&p2=47&p3=33&p4=235&p5=108&p6=166

With many thanks,


OpenStack-I18n mailing list