Hi everyone, I'm very pleased to be able to announce the results of our Install Guide naming poll this week. We ended up with 31 responses, and a very clear winner in "OpenStack Installation Tutorial". Thank you to everyone who voted! Also, just a note that I'm still very much in need of representatives from the various project teams to pitch in and help us get things running. Please make sure your project is represented by coming along to meetings, or at least contacting us through the mailing list. This week I've also spent some time with the Upstream training team, identifying gaps in the current material, and preparing for Barcelona. == Progress towards Newton == 124 days to go! Bugs closed so far: 134 Newton deliverables https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/NewtonDeliverables Feel free to add more detail and cross things off as they are achieved throughout the release. == Speciality Team Reports == '''HA Guide: Bogdan Dobrelya''' No report this week. '''Install Guide: Lana Brindley''' Poll concluded, winner is "OpenStack Installation Tutorial". Connected with CPLs this week to encourage more participation. Next meeting: Tue 7 June 0600 UTC. '''Networking Guide: Edgar Magana''' Moved DHCP HA chapter to Networking Guide for better maintenance and updates. Planning to move more sections and focus on DVR HA. Suffering of very low attendance for the IRC meeting. '''Security Guide: Nathaniel Dillon''' No report this week. '''User Guides: Joseph Robinson''' Some contact with the Magnum team. Held meetings, brought up the link changes, which is something I most need some assistance with. IA plan still forthcoming. '''Ops Guide: Shilla Saebi''' No report this week. '''API Guide: Anne Gentle''' New layout for API reference docs from additions to openstackdocs theme. Also already added four-color scheme for GET/PUT/POST/DELETE Thanks Graham Hayes! Work in progress here: https://api.os.gra.ham.ie/compute/ Reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/openstackdocstheme+status... and https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/os-api-ref+status:open Discussion on SDKs and FirstApp audience happening on user-committee list: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/2016-May/000889.html '''Config/CLI Ref: Tomoyuki Kato''' Closed some bugs with Mitaka backport. Fixed the incorrect RST markup at the new options section, with generation tool update. '''Training labs: Pranav Salunke, Roger Luethi''' No report this week. '''Training Guides: Matjaz Pancur''' Upstream training updates, Barcelona schedule. '''Hypervisor Tuning Guide: Blair Bethwaite No report this week. '''UX/UI Guidelines: Michael Tullis, Stephen Ballard''' The first prototype of content was presented and source information gaps were identified. A first draft will be complete by June 9. == Site Stats == In the Install Guide naming poll, "OpenStack Installation Tutorial" finished with 29% of the vote, well ahead of "OpenStack Evaluation Setup Guide" at 19%, and "Basic Install Guide" at 16%. And, because charts are fun, here are the final results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VlNFebI_KFobs-XIT5oRhULRymwrqON8SV9pH4uiYIQ/pubchart?oid=2070399201&format=image I personally thought "OpenStack from Scratch" was the most creative title. And the potentially confusing "Manual Install Guide" ("Guided Install Manual"?) had a small following at just under 10% of the vote. Thanks for all the great suggestions :) == Doc team meeting == Next meetings: The APAC meeting was held this week, you can read the minutes here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/MeetingLogs#2016-06-01 Next meetings: US: Wednesday 8 June, 19:00 UTC APAC: Wednesday 15 June, 00:30 UTC Please go ahead and add any agenda items to the meeting page here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meet... -- Keep on doc'ing! Lana https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/WhatsUpDoc#3_June_2016 -- Lana Brindley Technical Writer Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia http://lanabrindley.com