Thanks John for improving the guidelines.

The new guideline almost makes sense to me.
The concept of "Soft string freeze" and "Hard string freeze" is really reasonable,
and it is exactly what Horizon team has done.

I have one note on "Soft string freeze" as a previous Horizon I18N liaison is
that fixes on typos or issues related to translations need to be fixed promptly
in the period of "Soft string freeze". In my past experience, translators tend
to find string mistakes or translation issues (for example, hard to translate
concatenated strings in some languages due to word order).
I believe it is worth considered and mentioned in the wiki.


2015-09-09 18:38 GMT+09:00 John Garbutt <>:
Hi all,

Daisy and I have been chatting about the String Freeze guidelines.

After our conversations, and some discussion in the cross project
meeting, I have updated them here:

It seems the general string freeze got accidentally got made super strict.

Hopefully this slight relaxing of the rules will work better for
everyone, particularly for our users.

Certainly right now we are only merging bug fixes, but they often
include the need for extra log messages, or similar. Right now we are
hiding logs as debug messages, etc, to try and get them merged during
the freeze. The above changes should stop all that pain, and help our
users too.

Does this sound sensible?


IRC: johnthetubaguy

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