Thanks everyone. Hopefully we will be able to meet up again in next summit.

On Sat, 11 Nov. 2017, 12:50 Ian Y. Choi, <> wrote:
Hello Frank,

Thanks a lot for summarizing for I18n team :)

And congrats Gene Kuo for such nice Award with translation,
and thanks a lot for Patrick & Alex! I watched your presentation video
during my flight this week and
it was very good :)

With many thanks,


Frank Kloeker wrote on 11/9/2017 5:06 PM:
> Hello,
> unfortunatelly you have overseen my switch of the meeting time today
> or you're still in traveling or jetlag and couldn't attend the team
> meeting. Here are some information what I noticed from the Summit
> until now:
> 1. We have a winner of the Community Contributor Award in our team!
> Congrats Gene Kuo for his work and the award. To read on [1] and [2].
> 2. There was a session about translation platform presented by the
> Zanata team. Thanks also Patrick and Alex for presentation and mention
> of the I18n team on [3]
> 3. Petr Kovar has given project update for the docs team. There are
> also hints for translation services provided by the I18n team. Thx, Petr.
> Please share other presentations, informations and if you like some
> photos from the summit.
> kind regards
> Frank
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
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