Hello, my name is Julie Dronova, I do Russian translations.
I have a question regarding possible different meanings of the verb 'retrieve' in horizon's django.
Firstly, we have these types of phrases:
"Unable to retrieve image format list."
"Unable to retrieve volume backup details."
"Unable to retrieve hypervisor information." etc
in which we have a clear indication of retrieving an information, data.
And then we have these types of messages:
Unable to retrieve volume backups.
Unable to retrieve floating IP pools.
Unable to retrieve availability zones.
My question is: do these 2nd types of messages also mean 'retrieving of data, info' or do they mean something different? Since in Russian we would need to use two different verbs here.
If this is a wrong type of mailing list to ask such questions, kindly direct me to more appropriate one (devs mailing list?).
Thanks in advance.
С уважением, Дронова Юлия