Hi i18n Friends,

I'm happy to share that we are proceeding with our plan to share our IBM translations with the OpenStack community.

To review and follow up on what was shared in the 2015-08-20 i18n team meeting [1]:
- We would like to contribute our IBM translations for projects ceilometer, glance, heat, nova, ironic, neutron, cinder, keystone, and swift. Note that Horizon is not in this list because the community has been focused on translating Horizon; I'm concerned there may be excessive terminology conflicts.
- We have translations for de es  fr  it  ja  ko_KR  pt_BR  ru  zh_CN  zh_TW
- These contributions are based on our Kilo translations. They have been reviewed and tested.
- In order to facilitate an informal review by the translation teams before uploading I've made the translations available at https://github.com/doug-fish/openstack-translations . The repository is private. If you'd like access, just share your github id with me via email (drfish@us.ibm.com) or IRC (doug-fish) and I'll give you access.
- Segments that have been updated with IBM translations have a comment "Contributed by IBM" added. This is to enable reviewing; I don't expect these comments to remain in Zanata after the upload.

At a high level, our process is that we are extracting the existing PO files from Zanata, then using Babel based code to compare our IBM translations with the community ones and filling in any blanks. We've taken care not to overwrite any existing translations.

These proposed files are based on what we extracted from Zanata recently (today). Our intent is to run this tooling again after the review period to pick up any community translations that have occurred. I'm aware that translations for Nova are not updated in Zanata yet, but again, I expect to handle this by re-running our tools.

I'm working with Thomas Cocozzello (tjcocozz) and Lucas Palm (lapalm) who have coded our tools and scripts to handle this. They are requesting to join the language teams in Zanata so that if there are no concerns noted during the review they can upload translation contributions.

I plan to ask Tom and Lucas to upload these files on 2015-09-14 unless there are concerns noted during the reviews.

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns!


1. http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_i18n/2015/openstack_i18n.2015-08-20-13.03.log.html

Doug Fish