Thank you for the investigation, Akihiro and Alex.

Below are the steps we previously used.
We can follow the same steps, just changing "stable" version to "master" version.
I think the statistic data will not be affected in step 1 to 5.
But, if we delete master-old, the contribution data in master-old will be removed.
So my suggestion is to do the same steps, and keep master-old version (mark it as readonly)
till 6 month or 12 month later when the contribution data is not that important.

> 1. Create Russian translation files with only the correct header and the
> pluralities translation items.
> 2. Create a new version named as russian-fix
> 3. Upload the source files and the Russian translation files created in #1
> to the version russian-fix
> 4. Merge the stable version with version russian-fix
> 5. Rename stable version to stable-old, and rename russian-fix to stable.

Alex and Akihiro, please confirm my proposal.
Then I can take actions.

Best regards
Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)

Alex Eng <> wrote on 2016/03/11 04:36:15:

> From: Alex Eng <>

> To: Ilya Alekseyev <>
> Cc: Akihiro Motoki <>, Ying Chun Guo/China/
> IBM@IBMCN, "" <openstack-

> Date: 2016/03/11 04:37
> Subject: Re: [Openstack-i18n] Wrong plural formula for russian
> Hi,š

> If we fix the plural forms in pot file and push to Zanata, that
> would not affect the statistics.š

> But I remember last time when we trying to fix this, there are some
> limitation of the pluralform wont update after the file is being
> uploaded once to Zanata. And we have to create a new version with
> fixed pot file and use "merge translation" feature to bring over all
> the translations.

> We can do the same thing again and the statistics won't be affected.
> (copied translation doesn't count in as contribution)

> I checked and Zanata has the correct form.š

> nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 &&
> (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)š

> ---------------------------------------------

> Alex Engš

> Senior Software Engineer
> Globalisation Tools Engineering
> DID:š+61 3514 8262š
> Mobile:š+614 2335 3457š
> Red Hat, Asia-Pacific Pty Ltdš
> Level 1, 193 North Quayš
> Brisbane 4000š
> Office:š+61 7 3514 8100š
> Fax:š+61 7 3514 8199š
> Website:š

> On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 3:00 AM, Ilya Alekseyev <> wrote:

> Daisy,
> i remember we fixed this for Liberty. But looks like somewhere wrong
> config or error in script that creating master version.š

> How ca we fix it? How i can help with this issue?
> Alex, is it possible to fix plural formula ofr version and keep
> statistics safe?

> We need to fix it as soon as possible, because 4 plural forms making
> issues for russian translation (empty message, empty buttons, etc,
> as we can seee in Kilo release).

> Kind regards,

> Ilya Alekseyev.

> Russian OpenStack Community

> 2016-03-10 19:37 GMT+03:00 Akihiro Motoki <>:

> Russian translations in the horizon repo is downloaded from Zanata,
> OpenStack translation platform.
> It seems Zanata has wrong plural configuration.
> > Daisy, Alex,
> Could you check Russian configuration in Zanata is correct?

> 2016-03-10 22:42 GMT+09:00 Ilya Alekseyev <>:
> > Dear collegues,
> >
> > i've checked current russian translation in horizon repository and find out
> > that we have wrong plural formula in upstream.
> >
> >
> openstack_dashboard/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po#L35-L37
> >
> > There is only 3 plural forms in Russian.
> > And correct formula should be
> > nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 &&
> > (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);
> >
> > Looks like some script is wrong.
> > Does anybody know how to fix it?
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Ilya Alekseyev
> >

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