Hi Turkey language team and I18N whole team, Horizon daily translation import patch [1] detects an translation error that turkey translation has invalid message format string. It is detected in "check-tempest-dsvm-full" job [2], more precisely [3]. It is an expected behavior, but my question is how we should deal with. Is there any defined process? AFAIK we have never had this kind of discussion. Ideally, it is great that Turkey team can take an action soon. On the other hand, we need to have a process as the I18N project because this blocks translations of all languages. Transifex administrators can delete such translations, but I would like to see the consensus. [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/200793/ [2] http://logs.openstack.org/93/200793/4/check/check-tempest-dsvm-full/33e49b1/ [3] http://logs.openstack.org/93/200793/4/check/check-tempest-dsvm-full/33e49b1/... Thanks, Akihiro