Hello, all
Till now, I got responses from 5 translators in Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French and Chinese translation team.
4 of them clearly described their preferences is Zanata.
Here are some comments from them to support Zanata:
- "Using Zanata, cooperation with other translators is easier: chat room, listing translators who are translating at the same time, comments if a translation is rejected."
- "The role management of Zanata is powerful. It clearly defines translators, reviewers, and project maintainers."
- "I like the Project-wide search and replace feature in particular. It allows translators or maintainer to search for a word, a phrase, a sentence, or a paragraph and replace it across multiple files within a single project. It is extremely useful when you do the final editing or reviewing."
- "I guess the impression a translator can have is that Zanata is more user friendly, whilst Pootle looks a bit quirky makinf finding info or the right links a bir more difficult. I think Zanata is very easy to use and also promote s translator engagement."
Also, there are some problems with Pootle which will block us:
- The support of CJK (Chinese font, Japanese font and Korean font) is poor, for example: saved translations in Korean font is ???; saved translations in CJK fonts do not seem to be recognized by the TM.
- No official client till now. Our current translation process (uploading, downloading and reviewing) could not be implemented.
So as a summary of the translators evaluation, we would prefer to use Zanata.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards
Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)
Ying Chun Guo/China/IBM wrote on 2014/10/16 17:04:27:
> Ying Chun Guo/China/IBM
> 2014/10/16 17:04
> To
> openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org,
> cc
> Subject
> Pootle and Zanata trial
> Hello, team
> Pootle and Zanata trial are ready for test.
> 1. Pootle
> 2. Zanata
> I need volunteers to test features and feed back how satisfied you feel.
> I use an Etherpad page to track:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/translation-tools-comparation
> I have gotten volunteers from Korean and Indian team.
> I'm looking for volunteers from other translation teams.
> If you want to help, please let me know.
> If you want to try admin features, send me emails with your account ID.
> Thank you.
> Best regards
> Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)