Hi, team According to the release schedule, Mitaka translation starts from today. In the home page of translation website[1], you can find the detail information of Mitaka translation plan. The plan includes 6 web projects and 8 backend projects. Mitaka translation will last for above 3 weeks, from March 4th to March 28th. Here are some points for your attention during translation. 1. We start translations after soft string freeze. It means there will be string changes while you are translating. So don't be surprise when you notice the percentage of translation progress becomes smaller. 2. The hard string freeze will happen in the week of March 14-18. Different projects have different exact time of hard freeze. After hard freeze, our translation work will switch from master version to mitaka version. The links in the translation plan in the home page will be changed correspondingly. So continue your translation work from links in the home page is a good practise. Also, I will send notice to mailing list when the switch happens. 3. After hard string freeze and switch to mitaka version, there will be very few string changes. We can get 10(almost) more days after hard string freeze to finish up the translations. Let's work together to make a great success of mitaka translation. If you have any questions or get into troubles, there are several ways to ask help from: 1. Get help from your local team through the local communication method 2. Go to #openstack-i18n 3. Send mail to I18n mailing list There is a whole team who are willing to help. Enjoy translations! Best regards Ying Chun Guo (Daisy) [1] http://translate.openstack.org