I would like now to say that Zanata - translation platform has upgrade to 3.9.6 and it looks the working is pretty fine!
Thanks for your leadership, Ian.
Please check, experience, and test the new Zanata - https://translate.openstack.org and if there has some issues, please do not hesitate to ping me or infra team.
Note that the previous instance (Zanata 3.7.3 with Trusty & Java 7) is being kept now to revert if there will be a significant issues. If there will be no issues on the next couple of days, Infra team will delete the old Zanata server instance.
I really appreciate all the help and support for more than one year for such upgrade : Infra team - clarkb, fungi, ianw, pabelanger, and jhesketh , and also Zanata development team members - aeng and pahuang have actively helped for lots of issues.
Also, you might forget early days support: pleia2 and stevek
( And I have marked it in one of successes - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Successes )
With many thanks,
Thanks, KATO Tomoyuki