Thanks for clarifying the situation, Tomo.
Hi Akihiro, Andreas,
> > The Japanese team has translated ironic to 80 % (message count), so I'm
> > adding ironic to the list of translated repositories now,
> Most of the progress in Japanese translation happens due to the accidental
> merge
> of IBM translation. I don't think Japanese team has no enough to review
> translations
> other than Horizon until Liberty release. We are reviewing most of IBM
> translations
> but it is still under way and the progress is about 50-60%.
Regarding ironic Japanese, I reviewed and modified IBM translation,
and translated the remaining strings. It is not an accident :)
# Other projects are under review in my understand.
> Akihiro-san
How about import ironic Japanese? Any objection?
Cloud you review ironic translation if you have time?
> WE use message count, not word count
KATO Tomoyuki