Hello Kato-san,

Just a small question for this thread.

Korean i18n team translated install-guide for stable-liberty branch in translate.openstack.org .
Then, does Zanata upload the translation result into both stable-liberty and master branch
in openstack/openstack-manuals for install-guide translated PO files?

IMO, patches for draft-index.html is relevant for master branch in openstack/openstack-manuals,
but the target install-guide is for stable-liberty branch.
I am a little confused which branch in openstack/openstack-manuals would be relevant for this case.
What do you think about this?

With many thanks,


SungJin Kang wrote on 1/17/2016 1:54 PM:
oh, Kato thanks,

um.. I thing... first make 'draft/ko_KR/'[1]....
secondry patch your answer. :)


[1] http://docs.openstack.org/draft/ko_KR/

2016-01-17 9:06 GMT+09:00 KATO Tomoyuki <tomo@dream.daynight.jp>:
> Hi,
> Install guide finished transtated ko_KR and review too.
> How to add draft site[1]?

Hi Sungjin.

You can feel free to submit the patch to "openstack/openstack-manuals".


For the public site, www/ko_KR/index.html.
For the draft site, www/draft/draft-index.html.
Note that the draft site is not widely announced and publicly linked.

> Thanks
> Sungjin.
> ps. not yet common-docs...
> [1]: http://docs.openstack.org/draft/draft-index.html

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