Thank you for the comments, Kato and Akihiro.
Thank you for the offering, Doug.
In my mind, any contributions to i18n community are appreciated and respected,
not only translations, but also reviews and comments.
Here are my thoughts.
1. Japanese team has made a lot of comments to IBM contributions in Liberty release.
IBM please revise your Japanese translations based on the comments, before uploading the translation.
2. I'd like to hear more language coordinators' inputs:
de es fr it ko_KR pt_BR ru zh_CN zh_TW.
If coordinators have concerns, let's work together with IBM to address those concerns.
If coordinators still have objections to upload IBM contributions, the objections will be taken and
IBM will not upload the translations of those languages.
If there is no more inputs, I will create branches to get those translations for review.
3. We discussed batch translations at the Tokyo summit[1].
The suggestion was to do it before the 2nd milestone
so that community translators have enough time to review.
Mitaka-2 is in Jan 16-22. It's quite near.
I will try to catch the date.
If there are any more comments, feel free to propose.
I'm glad to consider any suggestions.
Best regards
Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)
KATO Tomoyuki <> wrote on 2016/01/13 19:01:50:
> From: KATO Tomoyuki <>
> To: "Douglas Fish" <>
> Cc:
> Date: 2016/01/13 19:03
> Subject: Re: [Openstack-i18n] IBM translations to contribute
> Hi Doug,
> Let me just say one thing.
> We Japanese team is appreciating translation contribution from IBM very much.
> We are open to contribution, feel free to join us whenever.
> Best Regards,
> KATO Tomoyuki
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