
It's more complicated than simply providing a VM.
If we use openstack infra, we have to think about more questions, like: how to manage translators access? how to maintain devstack?
It may involve several people but need one people to work as a pusher.

I would ask for any volunteers who would like to work on this.
I personally would join the discussion but I cannot dedicate.

Best regards
Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)

Akihiro Motoki <amotoki@gmail.com> wrote on 2015/03/04 23:30:02:

> From: Akihiro Motoki <amotoki@gmail.com>

> To: "openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org" <Openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org>
> Date: 2015/03/04 23:31
> Subject: [Openstack-i18n] Horizon translation check site for Kilo
> Hi,
> Kilo-3 is approaching and it is the time to start translations for Kilo.
> I would like to know the status of the community effort on preparing
> the Horizon translation check site.
> In the past releases, I18N team has the horizon translation check site
> but it was completely provided by my resource and time.
> For Kilo cycle, I am sure I can provide such site at all because I am
> spending very busy days on my main work.
> The same situation continues for three release cycles
> and I think it is time we should have such site as the team.
> We should not depend on someone's personal effort as OpenStack community.
> I may be able to provide the site for Kilo release if I have time
> but not sure.
> I would like to raise this topic.
> If nobody other than me raises a hand, it is no longer a team
> and it means we fail as a community.
> I can help the work but don't have enough time to lead it.
> I hope we have a progress on it.
> Thanks,
> Akihiro
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