I don't know if my previous comments were useful, if they're not just let me know and I'll stop. :) Stefano Maffulli, 25/10/2013 00:48:
On 10/17/2013 04:27 PM, Ying Chun Guo wrote:
I added 1 more requirement: Integration with OpenID. I don't want our translators to bother another user account for the translation.
I added another set of criteria for the evaluation. Mainly I'm focusing on finding out more about the solidity of the communities developing the software. The criteria I've added are simplified sets from research financed a few years ago by the European Commission to improve evaluation of open source software. Mostly these are qualitative data points.
Interesting! I can't edit the gdoc, so let me fill some blanks for translatewiki.net here (in addition to what already reported): * "API to gather statistics about translators": do you mean API providing the stats or API to make your own? MediaWiki has extensive API, for ready stats see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/Statistics_and_repor... * "Cross-project glossary and dictionary": yes, see the translation memory already mentioned. * "Easily see the translating context" is our pet peeve, see interface <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Translate_manual_-_Page_example_-_19._Documentation.png> * "Work offline": yes. <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Extension:Translate/Off-line_translation> * "Code maturity": it's 6+ years. <https://git.wikimedia.org/metrics/mediawiki%2Fextensions%2FTranslate> * "Training available?": if you mean documentation and tutorials, plenty. If you mean in person, it's been done in the past. * "Roadmap": it's public. <https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?component=Translate&product=MediaWiki%20extensions&product=Wikimedia&query_format=advanced&resolution=---&order=priority%2Cbug_severity%2Cbug_id%20DESC> Nemo