Hi all, As I18n SIG lead, I would like to share with you a summary of the recent discussions held during the 2024.2 Dalmatian PTG regarding the Internationalization (I18n) Special Interest Group (SIG). Firstly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the entire community for their commitment to make OpenStack more internationalized. The efforts put forth in translating and making OpenStack accessible globally are truly commendable, thanks to the contributions of numerous individuals, although we are under unprecedented situations and even Zanata will sunset soon [1]. During the PTG, I18n SIG covered several important topics with active and invaluable contributors including Seongsoo (a special thanks for his leadership both I18n team and within the Korea User group): 1. Progress on open reviews for I18n: We discussed pending items in the OpenStack/I18n repository and the status of various reviews. 2. Discussion on the OpenStack/I18n repository structure: This included plans to embrace the use of Weblate - wlc library and add tox environment and corresponding requirements.txt. 3. Pilot work progress on governance translation support: A demonstration was provided on setting up a new project with API and CLI. 4. Feasibility discussion on migrating from translate.openstack.org earlier than [1]. Deliberation on target languages and next steps for user survey translation. 5. User survey translation discussion: Target languages and next steps were deliberated upon. In sum, I18n will continue our effort to finalize the migration from Zanata to Weblate to emphasize the importance of I18n as a fundamental component for global OpenStack accessibility. Thank you for your continuation of the I18n SIG. If you have any questions or would like further information on any of the discussed topics, please don't hesitate to reach out. Best regards, /Ian [1] https://lists.osci.io/hyperkitty/list/zanata-sunset@lists.osci.io/thread/6F2... [2] I18n PTG Etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/apr2024-ptg-i18n [3] I18n PTG Team Photo 1: https://1drv.ms/i/s!AgSCQctkWshsgb8ZvM-l7Ol1UOxNjA?e=5tdLpb [3] I18n PTG Team Photo 2: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1192271703057911888/1228373792162840659/Screenshot_2024-04-12_at_22.09.08.png?ex=662b267e&is=6629d4fe&hm=dff70f58fc2ba259686ccfcb84786d45dbfde85420415dafa25448af2d98c6ce&