On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 12:25 AM, Douglas Fish <drfish@us.ibm.com> wrote:
There is a bug and associated code review open for Horizon regarding how to handle the trailing ":" on some messages:
What's the feeling from the i18n community about how we should treat the final punctuation on our strings?
Well, I always advocated removing them, just like unnecessary HTML markup (like strings enclosed in <b></b>). It only creates duplicate strings which differ only with a single character, thus it can happen that a string on the same page has two different translations (for example when the string with the ":" was added later than the first string). But that's just my opinion (as it's also my bug ;) so we can change it for Juno if the consensus is to keep the punctuation... Regards, -- Łukasz [DeeJay1] Jernaś