
2017-08-01 3:30 GMT+09:00 Ian Y. Choi <ianyrchoi@gmail.com>:
Dear language coordinators & translators!

Only a few weeks left before official Pike release [1] and I would like to inform
you that the last week was the Soft StringFreeze period.

Language teams need to focus on Horizon and Horizon-related projects
before all translated strings will be packaged for upcoming release.

According to the dashboard on https://translate.openstack.org, our targeted
priorities look as follows:

- Dashboard - Horizon (High)
- Dashboard Authorization Page (High)
- Magnum UI (Medium)
- Trove Dashboard (Medium)
- Sahara Dashboard (Medium)
- neutron-lbaas-dashboard (Medium)
- Murano Dashboard (Low)
- Designate Dashboard (Low)
- TripleO UI (Low)

All of those and more additional target projects grouped in [2] in *master* branch
and current & next PTL will check feature freeze status on projects listed above.
He will create a stable version: *stable-pike* in Zanata for the target projects after the project have stable/pike branch.

Although the stable version has not been created yet, but it is highly encouraged to translate those projects from now,
since StringFreeze periods are relatively short (about 2 weeks of RC1, then HardStringFreeze).

For more details on how I18n team is doing with releases (especially Horizon & plugin projects), please see [3].

If you have questions, feel free to ask through
openstack-i18n at lists.openstack.org mailing list or askĀ  I18n members on
Freenode #openstack-i18n channel.

Thank you all for your contribution!

[1] https://releases.openstack.org/pike/schedule.html
[2] https://translate.openstack.org/version-group/view/pike-dashboard-translation
[3] https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/release_management.html

With many thanks,


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