Good morning, welcome to the Rocky translation release cycle! We merged today on our translation platform the stable-queens translations back to master and created a new translation dashboard on [1]. There are 19 projects identified for translation in Rocky. Please check your own project, if it meets your expectations. Furthermore we have 5 documentation projects still on the list [2]. There is a very good progress and only deltas are required to translate. Additional we have the translation for the Edge Computing Whitepaper still online [3]. If you are interested to have this in your language, please go ahead. New language version will be accepted. Early April we want to start with a new User Survey Translation. There will be very few changes. Due the upcoming Summit in Berlin we want to translate the results of the survey also, at least to German. Last but not least, as Petr mentioned yesterday evening on openstack-dev, our big goal for Rocky is project doc translation. We already talked to some project teams in Dublin and we're still in preparation before we can start. If you have any questions or hints, let me know. kind regards Frank PTL I18n [1] [2] [3]