Hi Kato, thanks for the update. Hope you enjoyed the summit :-) Puppet module to translation checksite is meanwhile merged (yeah!). Next steps are installing the machine and deploy the stuff. Liz has setup this story on the storyboard: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000551 I think in few days I want to contact her and try to ask for an install session. kind regards Frank Am 2016-05-02 04:40, schrieb Kato, Tomoyuki:
Hi everyone,
Here is Newton Design Summit I18n sessions summary.
I18n Design Summit ------------------
* Thursday 2016-04-28 13:30 - 15:00 I18n workshop: translation processes and tools https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/austin-i18n-workshop * Friday 2016-04-29 9:00 -12:30 I18n Contributors meetup https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/austin-i18n-meetup
Summary -------
* Newton cycle translation priority - Dashboard and plug-ins: require ALL with appropriate priority [TBD] - Documentation: install-guide, user-guide, api-quick-start - Glossary (not yet implemented)
* I18n Guide revision - String freeze policy - How to translate release notes - How to archiving ATC, coordinators and core reviewers
* Release notes translation - At now, we have translation resources at Zanata, which is named "releasenotes" at each project - Discussion with Doug Hellman, Release Management team PTL - publish to http://docs.openstack.org/<lang>/releasenotes/<project>/ - create each language index page, manually or automatically - each release note page doesn't contain language selector
* Translation check site - patch review is under going. need review
* Zanata upgrade - we need more time because it does not work fine
* Automatic generation of ATC list - First, need to upgrade Zanata to version 3.9 or later
* Glossary management - First, need to upgrade Zanata to version 3.9 or later - Need to decide management process, file formats, and so on
* Improve Stackalytics - Add "translation review" count as new metrics - Update the stats daily, not weekly, as others
* Docs translation publication - Simplify the maintainance process of traslated docs publication - Need to work with docs and infra team
* Bug management - Email bug report to i18n ML when it is submitted
* Transifex closure [Done]
For more information, please see the Etherpad pages.