[found this message in the dever queue]
I realized that very late, indeed. But now the problem is covered on [1] and more plugins will be implemented.
kind regards
[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/559290/
Am 2018-03-01 11:36, schrieb Akihiro Motoki:
[I noticed this mail just now]
If I remember a chat with Frank, the site uses openstack-ansible and
it seems the playbook does not support horizon plugin translation sync
and/or compilation. I think this is the reason we don't get
translations for horizon plugins like heat-dashboard.
http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-i18n/% 23openstack-i18n.2018-02-16.lo g.html#t2018-02-16T13:14:25
2018-02-16 20:55 GMT+00:00 Yuko Katabami <yukokatabami@gmail.com>:
Hi Frank,
Thank you very much for setting this up and providing it to all of
It's very helpful.
I have one quick question.
I noticed that some Japanese translations are missing, even though
the strings are translated in Zanata.
For example the Template Generator tab under Orchestration is
but we have completed the translations in Zanata as you can see:
My local environment contains the Japanese translations, so there
might be something wrong with the import process in the check site.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could look into this when you
have time.
Kind regards,
On 16 February 2018 at 23:07, Frank Kloeker <eumel@arcor.de> wrote:
Hello Translation Team,
like last release we are still available to provide an interim
translation check site.
host: https://i18n.external.otc.telekomcloud.com/ [1]
user: i18n
pass: Queens2018
Translation strings will sync every 30 min from the translation
server and automatically compiled in Horizon.
Used version to sync is stable-queens, OSA is also running with
kind regards
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[1] https://i18n.external.otc.telekomcloud.com/
[2] http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstac k-i18n
OpenStack-I18n mailing list
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OpenStack-I18n mailing list
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