Here's the revised approach we are taking to contributing our IBM translations to the community, based on feedback on suggestions:
We are planning to make the proposed translations available for a pre-review as a separate branch in Zanata, but they are not there yet. While testing out this upload on the development server we discovered that uploading PO files caused the server to become unresponsive for a while. Thanks to pleia2 and the infra team for sorting that out and addressing the issue. We'll try the upload on dev again tomorrow and if it goes well we will make the translations available for pre-review in a separate Zanata branch.
I had originally proposed ending the pre-review on Monday. Obviously that's not going to happen! I understand that different language teams have differing levels of readiness to accept these contributions. I understand some groups are ready at this time, while others would like to have more time, possibly even into Mitaka to review. We aren't going to upload PO files for any language were the team does not want them.
Language coordinators, please let me know how you'd like to proceed with these contributions for your language. Do you want
1) us to upload them to Zanata's current master translations for normal review and editing as soon as we can,
2) us to upload them to Zanata as a separate branch for further pre-review, or
3) hold off any submission or preview at this time.
Please note that it important to us that we upload these translations. The translations are a valued IBM asset, it's important to us that they are recognized as contributed by IBM.
I'll be at the Thursday i18n team meeting, and am available by IRC (doug-fish) or email if you have questions or further concerns.