Hi, There will be OpenStack I18n team meeting at 0700UTC on Thursday (August 1st) in IRC channel #openstack-meeting. The time, we use Asia/Europe friendly time. Welcome to join the meeting. We will cover following topics this time: Action items from the last meeting Progress with Japanese doc site Glossary table in Transifex Open discussion For more details, please look into https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting. Again, if you are interested in I18n or OpenStack, welcome to join us. We need translators and developers too. Please contact us through IRC channel #openstack-translation, or mailing address: openstack-i18n@list.openstack.org. Please refer to our wiki page for more details: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam Best regards Daisy