Hi Tom, Thanks for recognizing my work. I have been translating for now and except for some difficulties i have been going quite smoothly. I am not much of a localizer that is I have difficulties in translating too. Plus I am a student so cant contribute full time. Would it be possible for me to open a community here in Nepal and bring more contributors ? Plus I would also like to know about other field of contributions Thanks Regards, Surit Aryal On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 5:35 AM, Tom Fifield <tom@openstack.org> wrote:
Hi Surit,
Welcome! It's great to have you :)
I see that your language request has been approved and you have already translated most of the Dashboard!
How can we help you more on your OpenStack journey? :)
On 31/08/13 02:13, Surit Aryal wrote:
Hi all,
My name is Surit. I am a FOSS enthusiast from Nepal. I am currently involved with different FOSS related clubs and communities in Nepal. I wanted to start contributing for openstack too. I choosed localization for starting. I have requested a new language (nepali) here https://www.transifex.com/**projects/p/openstack/<https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/openstack/>please approve.
Thank you. Surit Aryal Nepal
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