Actually I do not know too much on Zanata upgrade details, but
IIRC, upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) in openstack-infra was one of obstacles for Zanata upgrade [1].

Yes. It was the blocker for upgrading Zanata and I believe infra team is working on it. Just need to get updates from them

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 11:36 PM, Ian Y. Choi <> wrote:

Actually I do not know too much on Zanata upgrade details, but
IIRC, upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) in openstack-infra was one of obstacles for Zanata upgrade [1].

May be we first need to upgrade to the running operating system to xenial?
Since now lots of Jenkins jobs are with xenial, so I think it is a good timing to upgrade first OS and Zanata on translate-dev.o.o.

Or are there other possible obstacles?


With many thanks,


Kato, Tomoyuki wrote on 8/12/2016 2:58 PM:
I believe we are waiting for Zanata upgrade to have this process automated (API for getting list of contributors).

Do we know the status of getting Zanata upgrade?
Hi Alex, I don't know the status.
However, I think Zanata upgrade helps the situation.


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