Peng Wu <> wrote on 2014/02/11 14:03:21:
Peng Wu <> 2014/02/11 14:03
[Openstack-i18n] [RFC] another message id generation proposal
Hi, Recently I read about the idea of REST API message and log message i18n proposals.
I think maybe we could generate the message id by file name, method name and line no, like "". I think this new message id is shorter and more readable than md5sum.
How to handle if the line no is changed? I think one advantage to use message id is that the message id is easy to track, in different languages and in different versions (maybe). So I would prefer to keep consistency among different versions. Also, if the number has a project name as the prefix, it is useful too.
And with this kind of information, the developer can locate the message as follows: 1. find all files with the same file name; 2. jump to the line no; 3. verify the function name and the gettext call; Then the developer can find the corresponding message.
In the attachment, it is a small python program to print the information.
Feel free to comment this new proposal.
Thanks, Peng Wu
Refer URL:
PS: I just noticed that some developers are considering to log both English and translated log messages, dunno whether they plan to return both English and translated REST API messages.
As I know, Oslo provides a way to configure the locale language used in log files, and both (English and locale language). I don't hear that they are going to return REST API messages in both languages. Regards Daisy
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