I go through the contents of the table.
I know it was generated automatically.
I do think it need careful human review before it is published.
There are a few comments I have:
1. The column of "contexts" is a mix of definitions and contexts.
Some of them are definitions.
Some are contexts.
This will bring confuse to readers.
I suggest to separate the definitions and contexts in two columns.
2. In the "word" columns, there are a lot of "verb + noun", like:
Create XXX
Delete XXX
I don't think it's necessary to define "verb + noun" as common terminologies.
I suggest to use only "noun" there.
3. In line 31 & 32 , two "availability zone".
I think they are duplicated.
In line 26 & 27, two "architecture"
The contexts are different.
But I don't see much values to keep two.
Thanks for the work.
Best regards
Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)
Rajesh Ranjan <rajeshkajha@gmail.com> wrote on 2014/11/06 20:16:27:
> Rajesh Ranjan <rajeshkajha@gmail.com>
> 2014/11/06 20:16
> To
> "openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org" <openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org>,
> cc
> Subject
> [Openstack-i18n] Discussion on fuel-cloud module in Pune Linux User Group Meet
> fyi.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Manjusha Joshi <manjusha.joshi@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 3:03 PM
> Subject: [PLUG] [Confirmation] Monthly PLUG meet on 8th Nov., 2014
> To: Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List <plug-mail@plug.org.in>
> Hello,
> PLUG meeting for Month of November, 2014 will be held on 8th Nov.,
> Saturday at 4pm in SICSR.
> Location: SICSR, Atur Centre, Model Colony, Pune
> Room No 704, 7th floor
> Time: 4:00 pm
> Agenda:
> 1. Discussion about Upcoming event: Please mark the calendar
> a) 14-15 November FUEL :
> Venue: Yashada, near University circle, Pune
> website: : http://fuelproject.org/gilt2014/index
> b) 22 November CenOS DOJO
> venue : CMS, Univ. Pune
> website: http://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/Pune2014
> 2. There will be session on FUEL Cloud
> Rajesh & Chandan will introduce FUEL Cloud module for review. Explore it.
> FUEL-CLOUD is a collection of commonly used entries for localization of
> cloud computing related software and docs.
> Today, Cloud is very new to this world and is an emerging technology to the
> future. Lots of companies are switching their application to cloud. To
> understand and reach to various corner of world, it is necessary to made it
> available in different languages.
> To make the life of translators and localizer easier, it is necessary to
> provide a list of commonly used entries from cloud computing with its
> context. fuel-cloud module is prepared from different cloud technologies so
> that the module can be used across platform.
> This module will help to use a particular word precisely in cloud computing.
> Here is the link of FUEL-CLOUD module.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UYbFoANH7pFdjaEJ3aGFZcYaE22-
> Ierf4iB6EcbBjuk/edit#gid=0
> Chandan will take the session, introducing FUEL cloud module and if enough
> folks in audience interested then a quick review of the module can be done.
> FUEL Project (http://fuelproject.org/) is the largest and fastest growing
> open source based language resource repository that works to create
> standard terminology, style guide, assessment methodology etc with the help
> of community and different organizations. Currently it works with c.60
> languages community
> One can exchange CDs, DVDs of new versions.
> All are welcome to attend the meeting.
> There is no fee to attend the meeting.
> See you there.
> --
> Manjusha
> <http://manjushajoshi.wordpress.com/>
> _______________________________________
> Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
> --
> Rajesh Ranjan
> www.rajeshranjan.in
> @kajha
> Can the FOSS community save 197 endangered Indian languages?
> --
> Rajesh Ranjan
> www.rajeshranjan.in
> @kajha
> Can the FOSS community save 197 endangered Indian languages?
> _______________________________________________
> Openstack-i18n mailing list
> Openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org
> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-i18n