Hi Akihiro, Thanks! On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Akihiro Motoki <amotoki@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Chandan,
I looked at the URL of FUEL CLOUD, but I still have some points unclear to me. It seems FUEL project tries to collect and built some kind of glossary (on cloud?). As the OpenStack community, we have the documentation team and most/some of them (including me) are involved in the documentation activity. What I am not sure is you are hoping feedback to the glossary itself or localized versions of glossary.
FUEL stands for "frequently used entries for localization". FUEL is adopting modular structure when dealing with glossary creation for the use of translation. We were having module called fuel-desktop, fuel-mobile and fuel-web containing entry list from Desktop, Mobile and Web domain respectively. To understand it much clear way I am trying to elaborate the process. Just for example, if we take fuel-cloud, Chandan has proposed FUEL Project for creating a module for cloud technology. He collected "frequently used entries for localization" from cloud platform and placed at one place with all its context (as context of an entry is very important part of translation). This step already happened and now the list is available for review for that Chandan has asked the community. After discussion on different mailing list and collecting feedback from various sources (a face-to-face meetup to review will be arranged in India also in which people of different place can join by irc/hang-out), we will modify the fuel-cloud proposed list. Then we will release it to be translated in different language. As you will be knowing, during translation by a distributed community, the issue of consistency arises. So, again after somebody proposing translation in one language, say for us, in Hindi, the translated version will be reviewed by the Hindi community via face to face or irc or hang out and the final translation will be released for the use of community as 'Standard' translation of cloud domain for Hindi language. This way we will make fuel-cloud module available in different language. Here you can find three different modules (source language): https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/fuel.git/tree/language/en/terminology Here you can find status of community contribution: http://fuelproject.org/stats/index You can understand, how it will be very much useful for the consumption of a translation tool like Zanata/Pootle/TranslateWiki etc when distributed community is translating on one project.
I believe how to build useful glossaries in this area and how to translate them must be both interesting topics. Anther open question is how to maintain these glossaries and their translations in a sustainable way.
The following links will be helpful in understanding FUEL effort: Sankarshan's Blog (the very first blog on FUEL): http://sankarshan.randomink.org/blog/2008/07/10/a-look-into-fuel/ My article on fuel: http://opensource.com/life/12/6/fuel-project Thanks! -- Rajesh Ranjan www.rajeshranjan.in @kajha <https://twitter.com/kajha> Can the FOSS community save 197 endangered Indian languages? <http://opensource.com/community/14/7/save-endangered-language-today>