Hello all, I18n team participated in PTG for horizontal discussions with the tight collaboration of Documentation team on Monday and Tuesday. Also, there were a few collaboration sessions with Infrastructure, Horizon, Release Management, and OpenStackAnsible team on Wednesday & Thursday in a reservable room. The following is the summary of what I18n team discussed with other project teams. More details for I18n issues are available at: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/i18n-ptg-pike-topics 1. Documentation / I18n (Monday & Tuesday) The details of all discussions with Docs & I18n teams are written in: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/docs-i18n-ptg-pike , and I would like to summarize mainly I18n issues (For Documentation topic summary, please see [1]). - For Horizon strings, Documentation team & I18n team identified : Documentation team wants to implement automated screenshot functionality for user-guide. Then, stable DevStack instance would be fine with adding the functionality. : On the other hand, I18n team wants to implement translation checksite which requires re-import of translated strings to review translated strings after around Soft & Hard StringFreezes. - Agreed that archiving & versioning [2] translated documents are also the target with consideration. - Defined url policy for translated project specific install guides : https://docs.openstack.org/<deliverable>/<projectname>/<lang>/ (e.g., https://docs.openstack.org/project-install-guide/baremetal/ja/newton/ ) - I18n team will implement to generate translated PDF documents after pdf implementation spec [3] is successfully landed. - I18n team discussed the approach for implementing translation checksite, I18n contributor guide translation, considering different release models, and solving Stackalytics integration issues. 2. Infrastructure + I18n (Wednesday) + OpenStackAnsible + Horizon (Thursday) - Translation platform ( https://translate.openstack.org ) is now ready for upgrade. - There will be upgrade during 2/27 - 3/3. Translation platform might not work due to upgrade progress. - openstackid-dev developer will test authentication with Zanata using https://translate-dev.o.o from next week - I18n team will automate to propose ATC status rather than current manual proposal work as extra-ATCs using upgraded translation platform. - Implementing translation checksite with OpenStackAnsible will be a feasible solution in OpenStack Infrastructure. I18n team will start to implement translation checksite using OpenStackAnsible from Pike cycle (spec [4] needs to be changed). - Discussed how to Improve algorithms to match Zanata ID with Launchpad & Gerrit ID in Stackalytics 3. Horizon I18n collaboration session w/ Release Management team - Shared current status of I18n team’s translation priority : I18n team sets the highest priority during Soft & Hard StringFreezes to include more qualified translated strings as much as possible for Horizon & Horizon plugin projects. - I18n team shared Ocata cycle experience: cycle-with-milestone, cycle-with-intermediary, and cycle-trailing release models for Horizon plugin projects are not matched with Soft & Hard StringFreeze periods. - Discussed & drawn a new proposal to consider translations for Horizon plugin projects : I18n team will consider Soft & Hard StringFreeze for the projects which follow cycle-with-milestone release model. : I18n team will also consider translation with releases for the projects which follow cycle-with-intermediary release model if they are fine following deadlines. : I18n team will propose a specification to tag (e.g., with “translate”) for projects which are the target of translations with managing stable branches in translation platform. : For cycle-trailing release models, I18n will consider translations with managing stable versions in translation platform if there is I18n cross-project liaison [5] for the project. : I18n team will higher priority for projects which have I18n cross-project liaison. - I18n team will ask to Zanata development team to automate to create new stable versions in Zanata, copying master translations over. I great appreciate all the help and support from especially Alex - Pike Docs PTL to help successfully land collaboration room with I18n team, and also many project team contributors to participate in the discussion and draw nice, and cool approach for better internationalization. With many thanks, /Ian [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-February/112885.html [2] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/pike/archiving.html [3] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/ocata/build-pdf-from-r... [4] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/translation_che... [5] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons#I18n