On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:56 AM, Pranav Salunke <dguitarbite@gmail.com> wrote:
I am working on the xi:include part. I need it desperately to provide basic-install-guides under training manuals by linking the content from install guides. I believe that once this initial work is done, we could also offshore different sections to existing manuals books. Do I need to be aware of anything for translations to work?
Hi Pranav,Thanks for trying this out. To answer your question, let's make sure you know how the install guides work. They are sourced to create four guides with conditionals for each operating system such as os="ubuntu;debian"as an attribute on any element you want to only be output with those two guides, Ubuntu and Debian.Translators can still translate those elements, of course, and it saves us time and effort.But then the training guides will still have to be output with conditional builds.I was thinking about the problem you're seeing with the references to the "plain" URL on the git.openstack.org site for png files, such as http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-manuals/plain/doc/user-guide-admin/figures/cloud_dash_users_list.png and I think the root cause of the problem is when the reference to the figure is conditional.Conditional means that it's output only when the maven plugin calls for it, such as building just the SUSE install or just the Debian install guide. So when you're doing xi:include of only Ubuntu, but the build is still somehow picking up the debian conditionals for example, then the build might fail.So that's what I'd say to be aware of that's special for the install guide for now.There's also Shaun's work on the toolchain to support ITS markup so that translators know which elements not to translate (like userinput, screen, prompt, etc.) but we are not doing that markup currently.Thanks,Anne
PranavOn Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Andreas Jaeger <aj@suse.com> wrote:
On 07/08/2014 04:18 PM, Andreas Jaeger wrote:Patches are in, translators can start if they like,
> My patches are a start to get the ball rolling. The files you xi:include
> from openstack-manuals will need some creative development, somebody
> needs to look into that at one point,
Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
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