Hi everyone, This week I'm pleased to report that the index page for the new Install Tutorials is up and running! We also had some lengthy discussions about the use of conditionalised formatting (with ``only``), so there were a few meaty topics to go through in the meeting this week. It's also been way too long since we last did a core team review, so that happened this week. I'd also like to remind you that the CFP for Barcelona is only open until mid next week, so get your proposals in soon! == Progress towards Newton == 89 days to go! Bugs closed so far: 256 I think 50 bugs in two weeks is something of a record! Thanks to all the bug smashers working hard this week :) Newton deliverables: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/NewtonDeliverables Feel free to add more detail and cross things off as they are achieved throughout the release. The CFP for Barcelona is open now, until 13 July. If you want to brainstorm some documentation-related ideas, please get in touch! == Speciality Team Reports == '''HA Guide: Bogdan Dobrelya''' No report this week. '''Install Guide: Lana Brindley''' Index page is now up, needs some iteration to improve. Decided against using ``only`` for now (review after Newton), Manila patch to be updated. Next meeting: 19 July 0600 UTC '''Networking Guide: Edgar Magana''' No meeting this week. Keep trying to move documentation from other dispersed places to the networking guide. '''Security Guide: Nathaniel Dillon''' No report this week. '''User Guides: Joseph Robinson''' Adding the consistency notes to the work items wiki page. Team emails. '''Ops Guide: Shilla Saebi''' No report this week. '''API Guide: Anne Gentle''' Sign up on the etherpad to participate in a keystone Identity API sprint: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-api-sprint New patch this week to migrate the ceilometer Telemetry API docs, please review: https://review.openstack.org/334028 Thank you Khushbu! Need another +2 from the swift team for their migration patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/312315/ Updated patch in the governance repo projects.yaml file to indicate both contributor docs URLs and API docs URLs: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/316396/ Consider a work in progress for URL completeness and accuracy, but please review for format. Responding to input about API versions and release versions. See http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-docs/2016-July/008818.html '''Config/CLI Ref: Tomoyuki Kato''' Closed many bugs. Implementing common configuration sections for shared services and libraries. Updated a few clients reference, and added solum client. '''Training labs: Pranav Salunke, Roger Luethi''' No report this week. '''Training Guides: Matjaz Pancur''' No report this week. '''Hypervisor Tuning Guide: Blair Bethwaite No report this week. '''UX/UI Guidelines: Michael Tullis, Rodrigo Caballero''' Three out of the five personas have been created and are being reviewed. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/326662/ The last two personas will be added to the change within the week. It was suggested to add a checklist for developers to be able to identify the appropriate persona for their work. == Core Team Review == The core team have completed their review for July, and we would like to welcome Joseph Robinson to the openstack-doc-core team. Joseph has been leading the User Guides speciality team for some time now, and has been a docs-specs-core as part of that role. Welcome to the larger core team, Joseph, we're really pleased to have you aboard :) == Site Stats == 25% of our hits are coming from new (rather than returning) users. == Doc team meeting == Next meetings: The US meeting was held this week, you can read the minutes here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/MeetingLogs#2016-07-06 Next meetings: APAC: Wednesday 13 July, 00:30 UTC US: Wednesday 20 July, 19:00 UTC Please go ahead and add any agenda items to the meeting page here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meet... -- Keep on doc'ing! Lana https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/WhatsUpDoc#8_July_2016 -- Lana Brindley Technical Writer Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia http://lanabrindley.com