Hello, all The translation for Juno release has been started. In this release, we focus on the Dashboard translation, i.e. Horizon. If you want your language pack to be shipped with OpenStack Juno, please join the translation work. We especially need translators in the following languages: German, Czech, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese (Taiwan), Dutch, Serbian, Hindi and Russian. The translations of these languages translation have made good progress, only around 800 strings left. If these translations could be finished by Oct. 2nd, these language packs could be included in Juno release. We use Transifex to manage the translation. Here are the translation resources that need translation: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/horizon/resource/openstack-dashboard-tr... https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/horizon/resource/horizon-translations/ https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/horizon/resource/horizon-js-translation... If you are a member of your translation team, just jump in and translate. If you are not, you need to register an account in Transfiex and request to join your translation team. If you have any problems with the translation, please send an email to openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org. The whole I18n team would be there to help. Thank you. Best regards Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)