Parag N(पराग़) <> wrote on 2013/09/25 17:16:49:
Parag N(पराग़) <> 2013/09/25 17:16
Ying Chun Guo/China/IBM@IBMCN,
Re: [Openstack-i18n] Call for vote: translation importing policy
On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Ying Chun Guo <> wrote: Hi, team
We are just before the translation importing, and we haven't gotten a consensus to the importing policy. Let's do a vote then. The vote will be opened for 24 hours. I only open this vote to i18n mail list yet. But I will publish the vote results to public mail list and ask for comments. The result of this vote will be used for Havanna RC1. If we got strong opposition from the public mail list, we still have chance to change it in Havanna RC2 and Havanna offical release.
Please let us know your opinion.
------------------------------------------------- 1. Which importing policy do you choose? (the policy to be used to import translations from Transifex to Horizon )
a> 100% translated b> 50% translated, ( or you can specify another percentage number ) c> language coordinator decided d> All languages in Transifex e> others ____________
I will say again either all languages whichever percentage they got completed or 100% translated. But, my vote goes to d.
2. Whether to keep the old translations in Horizon? (There are some old translation po/mo files in Horizon. They are old version. Most of them are not completed. )
a> Yes b> No Older versions of translations if in the past had become part of any release should be kept.
The old version were be kept in the old release. Is it needed to keep them in the new release? Commonly speaking, the old version were pulled from Transifex in the past. But I don't know if there is a very little possibility that there may be some translations in Github but not in Transifex.
Regards Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)
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