Hello translators! Thanks for your work evaluating Pootle and Zanata, the etherpad[0] will be very helpful to us. If others could chime in on Pootle in the next week or so it would be great. The Infrastructure team has reserved a spot in our track at the summit next week in order to discuss the tools and next steps based on your input and what Andreas and I have discovered about maintainability and process with regard to both tools. The session will be on Thursday at 11AM local (Paris) time: http://kilodesignsummit.sched.org/event/d40800cfbdcd2c9cf752c3cede10cf6e#.VF... Please join us if you're available. We've put some infrastructure notes and what we expect from the translations team in the "Summit session" part of our etherpad, so if there are other topics you wish to cover, please add them there: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-translations If you're not available to join, feedback here on list, on the above etherpad or to Daisy, Andreas or myself is welcome so we can make sure your opinions/suggestions are represented at the session. [0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/translation-tools-comparation -- Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2