Hi All,

Most in FUEL community must have heard on the initiative to bring out
a formal curriculum in GILT which can be taught either as short term
or long term course. This was outcome of discussions at past FUEL-GILT
events and FUEL meetings in Gnunify. Attached is presentation on how
we intend to proceed. Have also created a draft document, link given

We have been working on creating a draft curriculum, which becomes
the starting point.

Stage 1:  Review draft & expand topic index.
 Owners for topics identified and available to work in Stage 2.
 This will be come the curriculum/syllabus.
Target Date:  31st March 2016

Stage 2:  On each identified topic, owners will collaboratively write
a chapter of few pages (upto 10 should be good to start with). This
would contain brief on the topic and sub topics, but not going into
too much detail, external references can be given. In long term this
content would evolve into one or more chapters of book on GILT
which will be used as book in training/teaching GILT.

Date: 1-2 months from completion of Stage 1.

Welcome everyone to contribute to this.
- Review the draft, give suggestions on what can be added.
- Take ownership of topics, so can build topic index in chosen topic
and write chapter on it.

Link to document:

If you wish to edit, please request someone who has edit permission
to add you, or post comments/suggestions to start with.


Chandan Kumar