On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 6:10 AM, KATO Tomoyuki <tomo@dream.daynight.jp> wrote:
> We have a new Sphinx theme for docs.openstack.org, called
> openstackdocstheme. It should be available on pipy as soon as we can get it
> released. Once that's released I'll write instructions for how to apply it
> to migrated content. A huge thanks to Doug Hellman for getting it to
> releasable!
> We are working through migrations for the End User Guide and Admin User
> Guide, sign up for a section at
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/Migrate.
> While migrating a chapter, I found I wanted some guidelines for how to
> migrate, so I wrote some here:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/Migrate#Migration_Conventions
> Feel free to disagree with my notes so far, but my main theme is "simplify."
> The Foundation is working on letting people know about the new home page
> design for docs.openstack.org probably through a Superuser post so that we
> can dig into the techie details. :) Please let me know if you have
> questions, and realize we're working through the kinks as we go.

Do we have i18n tool chain for new format?

It is a work item to investigate how to make translations work with RST:

We would greatly appreciate help in this area. Let me know if you are interested and I'd be happy to describe the current system.

KATO Tomoyuki
