Hi all, I recently noticed that none of the ironic/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/ironic.po files contain any translated strings, even though Jenkins is routinely proposing updates. I looked a bit further into this, with a few pointers from Clark, and it seems that the jenkins translation job is erroring out. It claims there's a duplicate message, but I haven't been able to figure out why. I've filed a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1298645 For quick reference, here's a link to the errors that we think are the cause of this issue: http://logs.openstack.org/periodic/ironic-propose-translation-update/6aed392... Then, today, I noticed that the same error also shows up in Nova and Ceilometer's recent jobs. Here's an example from Nova. http://logs.openstack.org/8d/8df565d39cd3216bde8488e656957a49dd6949fa/post/n... I could use some help figuring this out. Since folks have been translating strings for Ironic, I'd really like to be able to include that work in our Icehouse release :) Thanks much, Devananda