Hi, There will be OpenStack I18n team meeting at 0700UTC on Thursday (September 5th) in IRC channel #openstack-meeting. The time, we use Asia/Europe friendly time. Welcome to join the meeting. During the previous several weeks, we have good progress with the infrastructure setting up in Transifex. We have the common glossary shared within all openstack projects. We have Horizon ready for translations. Tomorrow is the string frozen date. Now it's the quite important time for translating now. We want to make sure Horizon can have the high quality internationalized release for Havanna version. If you are interested in translations or tools, welcome to join us. We will cover following topics this time: Action items from the last meeting Horizon I18n version release process Translated document publish process Open discussion For more details, please look into https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting. You can also contact us through IRC channel #openstack-translation, or mailing address: openstack-i18n@list.openstack.org. Please refer to our wiki page for more details: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam Best regards Daisy