Hi, friends Something unexpected happened tonight. IBM translations were copied into master branches. The copy action is triggered by uploading of pot files, which are executed by automatic Jenkins jobs when the source pot files in code repo are updated. Nobody expects it. Infrastructure team have figure out a way to stop auto copy while uploading pot files so this kind of things won't happen the second time. IBM translations only fill in blanks without overwriting the others. I hope translation teams could take a look at IBM translations in the master branches. IBM contributions could be located by searching "last-modified-after: 2015-09-21". You could * improve translations if they are easily to improve. Different terminologies could easily be fixed by "project-wide Search & Replace". ( in the Editor view, click the magnifying glass icon on the right top corner to open the search&replace view.) * reject some translations if you don't like. * If you don't like the whole translations at all, I may work out a way to revert it but it will cost time. The relevant translation teams include: de es fr it ja ko_KR pt_BR ru zh_CN zh_TW. The relevant documents are: nova.pot, glance.pot, swift.pot, ceilometer.pot, cinder.pot, heat.pot, ironic.pot, keystone.pot and neutron.pot. Sorry for the troubles and thank you for your work. Best regards Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)