Another question.
What is the main motivation behind this proposal?
If all contents fit into "contributor", "contributor" directory just will add another extra path.

2018年10月28日(日) 19:27 Akihiro Motoki <>:
Basically +1.
I would like to raise a question whether it makes sense to move all contents to contributor/.
Some contents are for the infra and/or i18n admin. They might fit into admin/.
The i18n repo is different from other repositories, so the categories of contributor, admin, and user might be different.
At least I believe our current contents should be categorized.


2018年10月28日(日) 2:06 Ian Y. Choi <>:
Hello team,

I18n contributor guide ( ) is
based on rst files in folder, but
the folder structure is different from
other project documents after project document migration [1].

How about moving rst files except index.rst into "contributor" folder
like [2]
to follow project document structure?

With many thanks,



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