Thanks again Tom I am checking the links and learning more about open stack. I will reach you ASAP Regards Surit Aryal On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Tom Fifield <> wrote:
We definitely appreciate your efforts :)
OpenStack has many user groups all over the world [1], but as far as I am aware there are none in Nepal. So, you are very welcome to start one!
We have started a page with a number of resources to help starting a new user group [2], but probably the biggest piece of advice is to find some like-minded people to help. Normally looking for people at the existing Linux community (since it has Open Source philosophy) and Python group (OpenStack is written in Python) is a good place to start.
Stefano and myself are the Community Managers working for the OpenStack foundation, and we're here to help. You should consider joining the mailing list for these community group discussions[3] and announce your intentions there and on the general mailing list[4].
OpenStack has the mission of being ubiquitous, so of course a strong community in Nepal is important! Let us know how we can help you further.
In terms of other fields of contributions, you have many options. If you are interested writing software in Python there's a lot you can do[5], or if you don't feel like coding there are also many areas [6]. So it depends on your interest ...
[1]**wiki/OpenStackUserGroups<> [2]**wiki/OpenStackUserGroups/HowTo<> [3]**cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/**community<> [4]**cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/**openstack<> [5]**wiki/HowToContribute#If_you.** 27re_a_developer<> [6]**how-non-developers-can-** contribute-openstack<>
On 02/09/13 17:26, Surit Aryal wrote:
Hi Tom,
Thanks for recognizing my work.
I have been translating for now and except for some difficulties i have been going quite smoothly. I am not much of a localizer that is I have difficulties in translating too. Plus I am a student so cant contribute full time. Would it be possible for me to open a community here in Nepal and bring more contributors ?
Plus I would also like to know about other field of contributions
Surit Aryal
On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 5:35 AM, Tom Fifield < <>> wrote:
Hi Surit,
Welcome! It's great to have you :)
I see that your language request has been approved and you have already translated most of the Dashboard!
How can we help you more on your OpenStack journey? :)
On 31/08/13 02:13, Surit Aryal wrote:
Hi all,
My name is Surit. I am a FOSS enthusiast from Nepal. I am currently involved with different FOSS related clubs and communities in Nepal. I wanted to start contributing for openstack too. I choosed localization for starting. I have requested a new language (nepali) here**projects/p/openstack/<>
<**projects/p/openstack/<>> please approve.
Thank you. Surit Aryal Nepal
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