Aha.. just FYI, I have found one bug report that the prevention from sharing absolute summit vote links is intentional :) : https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-org/+bug/1606614 With many thanks, /Ian Ian Y. Choi wrote on 7/27/2016 10:13 AM:
This link will redirect to the correct presentation details well : https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/vote-for-speakers/?q=i18n
With many thanks,
Remo Mattei wrote on 7/27/2016 8:23 AM:
On Jul 26, 2016, at 15:09, Alex Eng <aeng@redhat.com <mailto:aeng@redhat.com>> wrote:
Kato has submitted a talk for Openstack summit Barcelona and it is open for voting.
Please vote for the talk!
Alex Eng Senior Software Engineer Globalisation Tools Engineering DID:+61 3514 8262 <callto:+61+3514+8262> Mobile:+614 2335 3457 <callto:+614+2335+3457>
Red Hat, Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd Level 1, 193 North Quay Brisbane 4000 Office:+61 7 3514 8100 <callto:+61+7+3514+8100> Fax:+61 7 3514 8199 <callto:+61+7+3514+8199> Website:www.redhat.com <http://www.redhat.com/> !DSPAM:5797df9c6321380646437! _______________________________________________ OpenStack-I18n mailing list OpenStack-I18n@lists.openstack.org <mailto:OpenStack-I18n@lists.openstack.org> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-i18n
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