Thank you very much for the answer and the tip Akihiro. I have just downloaded .po file, changed the string, sent it back and it worked nicely.


On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 12:19 PM, Akihiro Motoki <> wrote:
Hi Gabriel,

We Japanese community faced the same problem.
When I reported it to Transifex GitHub, I got the following response.

PO file is generated from various kind of sources which includes
program sources or normal documents.
Program sources may constains several % specifiers and % character has
a special meaning.
On the other hand, % is a normal character in normal documents
(including OpenStack documents).
Trasifex behavior mainly focuses on the former.

Transifex cannot know from what source uploaded PO files are generated.
I think Transifex needs an additional attribute to specify a type of
PO files to address this issue.

At this moment, we need to escape % character to avoid this problem in


I often translates message strings extracted from program sources
and this feature of Transifex is really helpful for such contents.

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Gabriel Wainer <> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Recently I faced the '%' problem from Transifex described here.
> This does looks like an issue in Transifex. Have anyone talked with the
> Transifex guys to ask if they are aware of that? I searched their issues but
> there isn't any about it.
> Thanks,
> Gabriel Wainer.
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Akihiro MOTOKI <>