Welcome, Hüseyin !
Do you want to become the coordinator of OpenStack Turkish translation team?
I cannot find project_turkish in Transifex.
What's this project for ?
Best regards
Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)
Hüseyin Çotuk <hcotuk@gmail.com> wrote on 2015/06/05 22:45:48:
> From: Hüseyin Çotuk <hcotuk@gmail.com>
> To: openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org
> Date: 2015/06/12 09:27
> Subject: [Openstack-i18n] Turkish translation
> Dear All,
> My name is Huseyin Cotuk, and i have been using OpenStack for more than
> 3 years in production. I am working for the Turkish government and we
> operate an OpenStack cloud for governmental institutions, universities,
> other research institutes and internal projects. Currently we have more
> than 4000 cpu cores, 500 TBytes of storage and so on.
> I am head of cloud department at TUBITAK ULAKBIM in Turkey, and while
> OpenStack Days Istanbul yesterday, we met with Jonathan and Lauren. We
> talked about our projects and i promised for the Turkish translation of
> OpenStack dashboard for the Turkish community.
> My organization TUBITAK ULAKBIM is also coordinating national operating
> system (Pardus), and we already have a translation team for this OS. We
> will work together with this translation team, and my team will review
> the translations after OS team finishes.
> My transifex id is huseyincotuk and the project name is openstack_turkish.
> I am looking forward to hearing from you.
> Best regards,
> Huseyin
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