Hello Alexander,

I am checking your message now - a little bit late since your Zanata message is sent to me and Frank,
and such request was classified as a spam in my mail box.

https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/glossary.html describes how to add translated words to the glossary
and you can see i18n repository through http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n and
https://github.com/openstack/i18n (mirrored site).

With many thanks,


Zanata wrote on 7/14/2018 5:13 AM:

Dear Administrator,

Zanata user "Alexander Loew" with id "alexanderloew2" has sent the following message:

how can I add translation to the glossary?

You can reply to Alexander Loew at alexander.loew@innovo-cloud.de

You are receiving this mail because:
You are an administrator

This message generated by Zanata running at: https://translate.openstack.org