[feel free to forward to possible interested colleagues, apologies for cross-posting]

Dear all,

the International Workshop on “Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing” (VHPC), just recently completed on May in co-location with the ISC High Performance 2023 conference in Hamburg, has come to its 18th successful edition. Therefore, we're glad to celebrate the "maturity" of the VHPC series of workshops, by accompanying this year edition with a Special Issue of the Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), focusing on VHPC-related research topics:

(Q1 journal in Scimago SJR/CiteScore rankings)

Papers for the JSA Special Issue on VHPC are due on September 29th, 2023.

Authors of accepted papers at VHPC 2023 and previous recent editions of the workshop are invited to submit extended versions of their VHPC papers to the JSA Special Issue. These will undergo a new peer-reviewing process, to meet the high standards required for publishing on JSA. Extended papers need to provide significant unpublished novel contents, compared to the already published workshop papers (check the guide for authors for details).

The JSA VHPC Special Issue call for papers is also open to any other submission dealing with topics within the VHPC scope, e.g., virtualization across the entire software stack with a special focus on the intersection among HPC, Containerization/Virtualization and Cloud/Edge Computing, encompassing aspects related to design/architecture, management & orchestration, performance & fault-tolerance, modeling and configuration/tooling.

For more information, submission guidelines, and the submission link, please, refer to the official page about the JSA Special Issue on VHPC:

Kind regards,

    The JSA VHPC Special Issue Guest Editors.

    Tommaso Cucinotta, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
    Michael Alexander, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria, and Scilytics
    Anastassios Nanos, Nubificus, Ltd., UK
Tommaso Cucinotta, Computer Engineering PhD
Associate Professor at the Real-Time Systems Laboratory (ReTiS)
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy