------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 12th International Meeting on High-Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2016) University of Porto, Porto, Portugal June 28 - 30, 2016 http://vecpar.fe.up.pt/2016/ Porto has been crowned the BEST EUROPEAN DESTINATION of 2014 for its postcard-perfect views, friendly locals and gastronomy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This year the VECPAR conference will have a very exciting program with 19 papers from 10 countries. We have a varied selection of paper subjects ranging from distributed to shared and hybrid parallel algorithms and systems, but with a strong focus on computational science applications. Examples are epidemic modeling and word searching. Parallel libraries is also a popular subject this year. Platforms range from clouds to multi-core, many-core, and GPUs. The conference will include invited talks by 4 prominent speakers, very interesting workshops and a crash course, and a fantastic social dinner including Port wine tasting. A list of accepted papers can be found at: http://vecpar.fe.up.pt/2016/papers.html Please, check the conference web site (http://vecpar.fe.up.pt/2016/) for updates and more detailed information. Registrations will be opening soon! Please, check at: http://vecpar.fe.up.pt/2016. We look forward to seeing you soon! The VECPAR 2016 Organizing Committee. Carlos Ferreira ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto - PORTUGAL tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159 mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt