CALL FOR PAPERS ======================================= 9th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and Processing (MMAP'16) Gdansk, Poland, 11 - 14 September, 2016 WWW: E-mail: We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper to MMAP 2016 - held as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2016). FedCSIS a yearly international multi-conference organized by the Polish Information Processing Society (PTI) in technical cooperation with the IEEE Region 8, IEEE Poland (Gdansk) Section Computer Society Chapter, Poland Section Computational Intelligence Society Chapter, ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing, Lodz ACM Chapter, European Alliance for Innovation, Polish Operational and Systems Research Society - POSRS, Eastern Cluster ICT Poland, Mazovia Cluster ICT. MMAP 2016 is organized by Software Engineering Department, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University of Craiova, Romania "Multimedia Applications Development" Research Centre. It is a major forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to present, discuss, and exchange ideas that address real-world problems with real-world solutions. The MMAP 2016 Symposium welcomes submissions of original papers concerning all aspects of multimedia domain ranging from concepts developments to advanced technologies and innovative and theoretical applications. MMAP invites original previously unpublished contributions that are not submitted concurrently to a journal or another conference. Papers acceptance and publication will be judged based on their relevance to the symposium theme, clarity of presentation, originality and accuracy of results and proposed solutions. TOPICS ======================================= Topics of interest are related to Multimedia Processing and Applications including, but are not limited to the following areas: - Audio, Image and Video Processing - Animation, Virtual Reality, 3D and Stereo Imaging - Big Data Science and Multimedia Systems - Cloud Computing and Multimedia Applications - Machine Learning, Data Mining, Information Retrieval in Multimedia Applications - Multimedia File Systems and Databases: Indexing, Recognition and Retrieval - Multimedia in Internet and Web Based Systems - E-Learning, E-Commerce and E-Society Applications - Human Computer Interaction and Interfaces in Multimedia Applications - Multimedia in Medical Applications - Entertainment and games - Security in Multimedia Applications: Authentication and Watermarking - Distributed Multimedia Systems - Network and Operating System Support for Multimedia - Mobile Network Architecture - Intelligent Multimedia Network Applications - Future Trends in Computing System Technologies and Applications PAPER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION ======================================= Papers should be submitted by April 18, 2016 (strict deadline). Preprints will be published on a USB memory stick provided to the FedCSIS participants. Only papers presented during the conference will be submitted to the IEEE for inclusion in the Xplore Digital Library. Furthermore, proceedings, published in a volume with ISBN, ISSN and DOI numbers will posted at the conference WWW site. Extended versions of selected papers presented during the conference will be published as Special Issue(s): - currently, a special issue of the Computer Science and Information Systems journal (ISI Indexed) is being prepared on the basis of selected papers from the MMAP 2015; it will be published in 2016 - special issue, based on the selected MMAP 2016 submissions is also planned for the Journal of Computer Science & Applications - similarly, in 2016, special issues of these two journals are going to be considered - furthermore, we are in active negotiations for additional Special Issue(s) based on the papers accepted for the MMAP 2016 -- special issues proposals should be submitted to MMAP'16 organizers IMPORTANT DATES ======================================= - Paper submission: April 18, 2016 (strict deadline) - Position paper submission: May 30, 2016 - Acceptance decision: June 13, 2016 - Final version of paper submission: July 4, 2016 - Final deadline for discounted fee: July 31, 2016 - Conference dates: September 11-14, 2016 EVENT CHAIRS ======================================= - Brezovan, Marius, University of Craiova - Burdescu, Dumitru Dan, University of Craiova, Romania STEERING COMMITTEE ======================================= - Amy Neustein, Boston University, USA, Editor of Speech Technology - Lakhmi C. Jain, University of South Australia and University of Canberra, Australia - Ioannis Pitas, University of Thessaloniki, Greece - Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania - Borko Furht, Florida Atlantic University, USA - Harald Kosch, University of Passau, Germany - Vladimir Uskov, Bradley University, USA - Thomas M. Deserno, Aachen University, Germany PROGRAM COMMITTEE (confirmed so far) ======================================= - Badica, Amelia, University of Craiova, Romania - Böszörmenyi, Laszlo, Klagenfurt University, Austria - Burlea Schiopoiu, Adriana, University of Craiova - Camacho, David, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain - Cretu, Vladimir, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania - Debono, Carl James, University of Malta, Malta - Fabijańska, Anna, Lodz University of Technology, Poland - Institute of Applied Computer Science, Poland - Fomichov, Vladimir, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia., Russia - Giurca, Adrian, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany - Grosu, Daniel, Wayne State University, United States - Groza, Voicu, University of Ottawa, Canada - Kabranov, Ognian, Cisco Systems, United States - Kannan, Rajkumar, Bishop Heber College Autonomous, India - Korzhik, Valery, State University of Telecommunications, Russia - Kotenko, Igor, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia - Kriksciuniene, Dalia, Vilnius University, Lithuania - Lau, Rynson, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R., China - Lloret, Jaime, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain - Logofatu, Bogdan, University of Bucharest, Romania - Mangioni, Giuseppe, DIEEI - University of Catania, Italy - Mannens, Erik, Ghent University - Mihaescu, Cristian, University of Craiova, Reunion - Mocanu, Mihai, University of Craiova, Romania - Morales-Luna, Guillermo, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico - Ohzeki, Kazuo, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan - Popescu, Dan, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia, Australia - Querini, Marco, Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering - RUTKAUSKIENE, Danguole, Kaunas University of Technology - Salem, Abdel-Badeeh M., Ain Shams University, Egypt - Sari, Riri Fitri, University of Indonesia, Indonesia - Stanescu, Liana, University of Craiova - Tejera, Mario Hernández, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain - Trausan-Matu, Stefan, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania - Trzcielinski, Stefan, Poznan University of Technology, Poland - Tsihrintzis, George, University of Piraeus, Greece - Vega-Rodríguez, Miguel A., University of Extremadura, Spain - Velastin, Sergio, Kingston University, United Kingdom - Virvou, Maria, University of Piraeus, Greece - Watanabe, Toyohide, University of Nagoya - Wotawa, Franz, Technische Universitaet Graz, Austria - Zurada, Jacek, University of Louisville, United States CHAIRS OF FedCSIS CONFERENCE SERIES Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki CONTACT FedCSIS AT: FedCSIS on Facebook: FedCSIS on LinkedIN: