                             CALL FOR PAPERS
12th International Meeting on High-Performance Computing
         for Computational Science (VECPAR 2016)

                 University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
                            June 27 - 30, 2016                                                        


Deadline for submission:      *** February 5th, 2016 ***
Notification of acceptance:   March 20th, 2016
Camera­ ready version:         May 2nd, 2016

The International Meeting on High­ Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR) is 
the premier venue for presenting and discussing the latest research and practice in high­ end 
computer modeling and complex systems. VECPAR encourages submission of research contributions 
from academia, research laboratories and industry to address pressing issues in computational 
science resulting from applications of interest to society and hardware innovations. VECPAR’16, 
the 12th edition of the VECPAR series of conferences is organized by the University of Porto, 
Portugal, and will be held at the Department of Computer Science, School of Sciences. 

An award is planned for best student papers.

Contributions are solicited in all areas of computational science and engineering (CS&E), 
including (but not limited to) the following topics:

• Large­ scale Simulations in CS&E
• Parallel and Distributed Computing
• Parallel Algorithms
• Numerical Algorithms on Multicore, GPUs and Emerging Architectures
• Symbolic algorithms on Multicore, GPUs and Emerging Architectures
• Support Tools and Environments
• Scheduling and Load Balancing
• Performance Analysis, Evaluation and Tuning

You should make your submissions through EasyChair at:

Submitted papers must be formatted according to  the rules of the Springer Series Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science (LNCS):

Please note that papers (for conference presentation) must not exceed 8 pages in length, using the 
LNCS format. Accepted papers will be distributed in electronic format to participants of VECPAR’16.
Printed versions of the invited talks and a set of selected papers will be published by Springer in 
the series entitled Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Selected papers will be limited to 14 pages 
and will be judged based on relevance, significance, originality, correctness and clarity. More 
information about this process will be sent to interested authors after the conference.

Carlos Ferreira

ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4249-015 Porto - PORTUGAL
tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159
mail@isep.ipp.pt | www.isep.ipp.pt